22 January 2008

Tuesday in Ten

1. I definitely pulled something on the right side of my back. It hurts.
2. We're trying to figure out what we can finish before our housewarming in a few weeks. We have plenty of painting to do. Not everything will be done before the gathering (obviously!), so hopefully people will put on their rose colored glasses to see how we envision our home to be after we win the lottery and get an appearance on This Old House.
3. I booked a facial and I'm so looking forward to it.
4. I need to go shopping. I have no shirts!
5. This weekend we're going to a favorite restaurant that I haven't been to since my bachelorette party.
6. I'm getting excited for my trip to London. I'll be there for my birthday. My sister may come with me. It will be mostly work, but if the weather is anything like it was last year, that's just fine by me. (No lost luggage this time, please!)
7. We're getting ready for a conference in Orlando in a few weeks. I'm arriving early in the day so that I can get some needed pool time in. I also get to see my friend who lives there which is a bonus because at most I see her 1-2 times a year.
8. We're painting the guest room a creamy yellow in our house, but we don't know what color to paint our bedroom. Ideas?
9. I'm excited for February.
10. Blog buds are invited to our housewarming (so there, La!) : )

Enjoy your Tuesday!


the fanny said...



My bedroom is sorta tan/off white, and all the bedding is white. While is sounds uber boring, it is SO peaceful. It's my favorite room in the house! That might have something to do with the $3000 bed, though.

mainlyclearskies said...

I want to go to London!! And Orland for some warmth.

Our bedroom has two walls that are kind of a smoky blue, and two that are a khaki color. It's cozy.

Hope your back feels better soon!

sassafras said...

I think I'm still foggy from the weekend because I read your list and go WHOA. That girl has a lot going on!

I've always liked a sage green (ha! Just like your blog) but then again I don't know anything about color schemes.

Housewarming party - so FUN!

mainlyclearskies said...

Orlando, that is.

erin said...

I want to go to Orlando and London, and get a facial.

I, too, am a fan of the sage green.