28 December 2007

The New Year's Post

I have been telling myself to sit down and write out my resolutions for a little while now, but I'd push it off to watch bad TV or hang on the couch since apparently this vacation of mine is anything but productive.

Here it goes.

To be positive. Bub is always looking on the bright side. Seeing the good. Me? I'm gloom and doom. It comes from my dad. I know it's annoying for Bub to hear. But right now? It's hard to be positive when the situation can potentially be sad.

To be healthy. Whether this is by way of eating and/or exercising, I want to find foods and activities I will want to actually like, not force myself into eating/doing just because they're right. For example, taking yoga classes over joining a gym because yoga may be more fun than a treadmill most days of the week. (Is it?)

To write. I took a class in the fall and it feels like ages ago. An online one and not the best choice, I haven't looked at the results of what I've taken away from it and there's alot I want to practice and experiment with...I just want to find other outlets to carry out creativity and this is a sure place to start.

To be on time. I've written about this before, but I suck at being on time. I never leave enough time to get ready, to drive somewhere, etc. I really need to get it together. Here's my chance.

To reassess my dreams: motherhood, career, school, travel, hobbies. What are they? I've been stressed and busy that I haven't figured it all out. I'd like to be able to know where they stand now since I'm not getting any younger and I'm sure that I can part with my usual sedentary habits long enough to make a plan.

To not hold grudges. Bub hates it. I feel like an ass, but I can bring up the silliest, dumbest thing in a fight with Bub that happened ions ago and he'll think, why do you have to keep bringing that up? Haven't you forgiven me? Yes, I have, I just like to remind him of what once was. I know, it's mean.

I'm sure I'll think of more, but for now that's a wrap.

2007 was a great year. No doubt. We've grown as husband and wife and we're now homeowners. Work is stable (knock on wood) and there's so much to look forward to. I hope there are some surprises on the way. And good ones at that.



Michelle and the City said...

i've been wanting to try yoga too, but am convinced i'm not flexible enough. maybe someday...

here's to a great 2008!

sassafras said...

I like that your goals are all reasonable and attainable. Sometimes it is hard to look at oneself in the mirror - I admire you're self awareness.

Happy New Year!

mainlyclearskies said...

Good luck with your goals! Sometimes even a small attempt at improvement can spark a big positive change in our lives.

I learned the hard way a long time ago to not hold grudges. I wasted more than a year being mad at and not talking to someone very important to me. Gah, I look back now and see what a stinkin' idiot I was. I'm just glad I got over it and learned from it.

erin said...

Go for a yoga class. Try it out. You might like it :)

Best of luck with your resolutions!

Anonymous said...

Your resolutions are great - here's to a healthy, happy and peaceful new year!

Clink said...

Happy new year, rfr. And best of luck with the resolutions.

kwarterlifecrisis said...

Yoga is awesome, seriously. I started going to a class at my gym a couple months ago and I love it. It's WAY better than a treadmill every day.

Also, I'm a total grudge-holder too. TB gets over stuff really quickly but I'm that asshat who mopes around and is pissed for way longer than necessary. Sigh. Perhaps I'll work on that this year too.